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Millions of listings.
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We know the housing market is hot, so we refresh our listings multiple times a minute and update you as soon as new matches hit the market so you’ll never miss the right one.


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Get straight to what you want with the smartest home search around. Receive AI-curated home recommendations and customize your search more than anywhere else. Choose the order in which room photos appear, as well as the quality that you're looking for in each room.

Is cooking your thing? See the kitchen first. Love to host? Only see homes with great living rooms and outdoor space.


Tell us about yourself

We want to get to know who you are and what you’re really looking for. Take our home buying personalization quiz to kick start your home search and get connected with one of our expert local agents.

Home Dashboard

Manage your entire

We know searching for a home can feel overwhelming, so we built a seamless dashboard to help you manage everything and stay organized. Discover listings, save favorites, and schedule showings - all in one place.

Mobile App

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Take your search on the go with the Torii mobile app. Browse through listings, see market trends, and talk with our team anytime you have a question about a property.

Take their word for it

  • “What an incredible experience. Torii went above and beyond for us!”

    Eugene & Steve

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Looking to buy a

Work with a local Torii real estate agent through the entire process, and we’ll set you up with a lender, closing services, and everything else you’ll need. On top of that, we’ll give you up to 10% of our commission back at close - how bout dat?